Medan (ANTARA News). Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) menganut asas yang terkandung dalam "Piagam Madinah" (The Constitution of Medina) yang berisi penghormatan terhadap kebhinekaan yang ada di masyarakat.
"Meski teguh menjalankan agama, tetapi dalam Piagam Madinah semua agama dan keyakinan harus dihormati. Itu budaya politik PKS," kata Presiden PKS, Tifatul Sembiring, dalam Dialog Kepemimpinan Nasional di Medan, Sumut, Jumat malam.
Menurut dia, ada tiga poin penting yang harus dipahami dalam Piagam Madinah, yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Poin pertama menganjurkan adanya jaminan dan penghormatan terhadap masyarakat untuk menjalankan ibadah sesuai dengan agama dan keyakinan masing-masing.
Hal itu dipraktikkan Nabi Muhammad SAW ketika menjadi pemimpin di Madinah yang tetap membiarkan penganut lain, seperti Nasrani, Yahudi dan lain-lain untuk hidup tenang dan menjalankan ibadah sesuai agama dan kepercayaannya.
Kemudian, adanya komitmen bersama untuk menghormati dan menerima penerapan dan penegakan hukum yang sama bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.
Sedangkan poin ketiga adalah adanya komitmen bersama untuk membela kepentingan dan martabat bangsa dari serangan pihak luar.
Dengan asas dalam piagam Madinah, maka nasionalisme kader PKS tidak perlu diragukan, meski selalu teguh dalam menjalankan syariat Islam.
"Dalam agama, PKS selalu berprinsip `lakum dinukum waliyadin` (agamamu untukmu, agamaku untukku), namun tetap menghormati agama lain yang ada," katanya.
Ia menambahkan, sikap nasionalisme PKS itu dibuktikan ketika memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan terhadap korban gempa bumi di Nabire, Papua, pada November 2004 meski mayoritas penduduknya beragama Nasrani.
"Dengan sikap nasionalisme itu, banyak warga Nabire yang simpatik terhadap PKS, meski mereka beragama Nasrani," katanya. (*)
Versi Indonesia
PKS Respects All Religions
(English Version)
Medan, (ANTARA News). The Islam-based Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) adheres to the principles laid down in the "Constitution of Medina" which include respect for all religions, the party`s leader said.
"Although we practice our own faith piously, we subscribe to the Constitution of Medina whereby we must respect all religions and faiths. This is PKS`s political culture," PKS President Tifatul Sembiring said here Friday night.
He said there were three points in the Constitution of Medina that were of great significance to Indonesian state and nationhood.
The first point called for respect for all religions, and a guarantee that all members of the community can worship in accordance with their respective religion and faith.
These principles were practiced by the Prophet Mohammad when he was the leader of Medina. The prophet consistently allowed people of other religions such as Christians, Jews and others to live in peace and worship in their own ways.
The second point was a common commitment to accept and respect the enactment and enforcement of laws that were binding on all members of the community.
The third point was a common commitment to defend the nation`s interest and honor against any external threat or attack.
In faithfully practicing Islamic shariah, PKS cadres did not need to fear being labeled unpatriotic as long as they carried out the principles of the Constitution of Medina, Sembiring said.
"Where religion is concerned, PKS sticks to the principle of `lakum dinukum waliyadin` (your religion for you, my religion for me) while always respecting other religions," he said.
PKS proved its nationalism when in November 2004 it provided humanitarian aid to predominantly Christian victims of an earthquake in Nabire, Papua, he said.
"PKS`s nationalistic action earned the sympathy of many Nabire residents although they were Christians," Sembiring added.
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